Sunday, July 16, 2017

Face the Music 7.20.17 
“Draw You a Picture - Do It Sloppy"

Steady Roll
Jelly Roll Morton’s Steamboat Four 1924

Sidewalk Blues
Jelly Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers 1926

Do It Sloppy
Sylvester Palmer 1929

Money Never Runs Out
Banjo Joe & Blind Blake 1927

Buck Dance
J.W.Jones & Ephram Carter 1970

Can I Do It For You
Memphis Minnie & Kansas Joe 1930

It’s all a Swindle (1931)
Ute Lemper 1996

Gus Viseur 1940

Major General’s Song
Nelson Eddy 1940

On Being Well-Connected
Dmitri Shostakovich 1958
Pimlico Opera Company 1995

Hallelujah, I’m a Bum
Fats Waller 1939

Draw You a Picture
John Wayne 1956

Gigantor the Space Age Robot
Theme Song 1966

A Waste of Money
Allan Sherman 1966

I Was Kaiser Bill’s Batman
Whistling Jack Smith 1967

Happy Chappie Polka
Elliott Sharp 1980

Metronome All Stars with
Charlie Parker & Lennie Tristano 1949

Money Jungle
Duke Ellington,
Charles Mingus
& Max Roach 1962

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